David PS

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EuroSciPy 2015 - My first EuroSciPy ever!

31 Aug 2015 categories: conference   python  

This EuroSciPy, and probably the previous ones too, was divided into three parts: the tutorials, the conference and the sprints. The following is a review of my experience in such amazing conference.

The tutorials consists on two tracks, the beginners and the advanced. I enjoy the advanced one, but below I’ve collected the links for the other tutorials that were advertised on twitter. The first morning we get explained what Bokeh can do and how to extract information from images using advanced image processing techniques through scikit-image. Almost all the tutorials (and many talks during the conference) used Jupyter notebooks which makes it easier for the atendees to follow and repeat what is being taught. Bokeh’s contains a large list of ploting examples and explanations of how to make your owns plot. I spent the whole lecture dreaming on SolarMonitor using it… - I don’t think it will be easy, but eh! that’s the cool bit of hacking, right? On the other hand, the [notebooks from scikit-image][skimage-notebook] were a bit hidden - on a hidden branch of skimage tutorials Juan’s fork - will that be merged? In this one I was dreaming, again, on coronal hole detections.

The afternoon of that first day was to learn a bit of machine learning using scikit-learn and statistics. The scikit-learn bit was done by the Cambridge Coding academy people, where by using a table of wines we were learning which one were high or low quality. On the statistics tutorial we were analysing brain sizes using pandas and statsmodels.

The second day of tutorials was not so varied, but intense. We started in the morning with a bit of Cython, learning how to make our code more as C/C++ in real time. Jupyter and Cython talk very well one with the other, and you get very nice dropdown explanations of the converted code. In the tutorial we learnt how to create arrays and make operations and compare them with the other python solutions. Also we discussed a bit of the fight between numba and Cython, and how the speaker thought numba will mostly win… however, numba has a large dependency, [lvm][lvm] which Cython does not. The afternoon of that second day we had a mind-blowing lecture by Greg Wilson, the creator of [Software Carpentry][software-carpentry]. I’ve met Greg before… but not personally. I am one of the lucky ones who has done the [instructor training course][swc-training] from him. Still, even while I had heard all what he said on Thursday, I was enjoying as if I was learning it for first time. He made lots of historical references to many things related with education which I couldn’t write them all down. His favourite two books for learning how to teach are: - [How Learning Works][how-learning] from Ambrose et al., and - [Building a better Teacher][building-better] from Elizabeth Green He made as also to work in small groups to get really good and meaningful [multiple choice questions][multichoice] and review a lot of the [literature available][swc-reading] on best practice education (or the [TDD][tdd] for education). It was an amazing lecture! A great way to end the tutorials, planting the seed in us so we go and teach the world. The quote from the talk I like the most is: > “We can engineer social change with these small numbers (5%) ; we’ve to push in the same direction!” And with this the tutorials ended. We went for the dinner… and the conference started next morning.

The conference was full of great stuff! and what better to start a conference with a very controversial keynote? Such work was done by [Pieter Hintjens][hintjens] - he has even a [wikipedia article about himself][Whintjens] - and told us about his experience in [ZeroMQ][0MQ] and different open source software projects. It seems most of it is available in [his book][0MQOreilly] ([or in the guide][0MQguide]), but his main discussion point was about how to handle the community. Some questions where about “how long can a pull-request wait to be accepted?” or “what’s the best way to keep a mailing list?” or “how to clean the git history?” or “when do we produce releases?”- and his answers: 30 seconds - and make your problems other’s problem by converting such person as mantainer; don’t do a mailing list - you are just looking for troubles; [Stalin][Wstalin] changed history, we don’t; releases (or stable versions) are made when they are asked for it - master have to be always broken. His best example is how [Wikipedia][wikipedia] works. All these coments were quite controversial, and people kept talking about these for the rest of the conference. Personally I agree with that way of “working” and I think they way he expressed it was to make it controversial - and he managed to make it so. However, I also think puting in practice in a project were I’ve worked for years may be a bit difficult… with a fear feeling that everything will fall down. Probably we all need a bit of experience and move out from our sphere of confidence.

Next was [Ian Ozsvald][ianozsval] who talked about data cleaning for data mining of a [recruitment agency][elevate]. In his talk Ian showed a lot of tools and resources, for example to extract information from PDFs ([textract][textract], [tika][tika], [CERMINE][cermine] for papers,…), talked about the [“Turkish I problem”][turkishI] and [how people can die for such problem][diedot]. Also mentioned about tools of visualisation like [glueviz][glueviz] or [Seaborn][seaborn], tools for augmenting data ([Alchemy], [DBPedia],…). As a closing point he asked for dirty-data horror stories, he wants to fix those! [Check his slides for more info][ian_slides].

The conference level did not decreased in any moment, it was mantained up speaker after speaker. We got an introduction of how to [handle big data with a small computer][JuanTalk] using stuff like [pytoolz] (with some [recommended][read_pytoolz] [reading][read_wordcount]). The following speaker - Mikael Mortensen - did the opposite, a python code to run in big machines that could compete with the classic ones (Fortran, C, C++). He did it in just 100 lines of python and in just one day. Check [his slides to see more details][MikaelTalk]. Incredible! - I’m just going to use it as an example to many people that believes we should just use Fortran for everything… We had also talks about [klepto] (unified persistant storage), [pyMIC] (a python module for Intel Xeon processors), [pyFR] (more fluid dynamics and HPC), [JyNI] ([Jython] for scientific code), bokeh and [dask] (a task scheduler), a [talk about Gr][gr] with [matplotlib] and how to make very interactive plots, a python GUI toolkit based on web ([flexx]), [Spimagine] a tool to visualise multi-dimensional data using GPUs and how PyQt has been used to build a modelling tool for complex geochemical process. All that was just in the first day!!!

That evening, with all that information in our head some of us gathered to have a small sprint, not everyone was going to stay till Sunday. I participated contributed in the scikit-image one trying to improve some documentation. [Olivia] and I closed the issue [#1650][skimage-1650] with our [nice pull-request][skimage-1673], being that our first contribution to scikit-image. Next morning I found out in my inbox about a new tool ([datajoy]) that I could use straight away, [to check][datajoy-1659] [pull-requests][skimage-1659].

The second day of the conference started with a keynote by Randy Leveque and how to use jupyter notebooks for teaching, he showed some [examples][jupyter-washington] and talked about plugins to [grade notebooks][nbgrader] and how he’s working with [sagemath cloud][sagemath] to use it as a tool to check the students excercises and progress. My mind got full of ideas on how it could be applied on teaching software carpentry and sunpy around the world… Next speaker was [Robin Wilson][rwilson] who talked about [recipy], a tool I saw how was born (at [Collaborative workshop in Oxford][CWblog]) and I had advertised during the [Python in Astronomy][pyastroblog] meeting. I’m looking forward to start using it and never try to find how a plot was made. [ReScience] was the next topic, a journal completely run in github which aim is to check how replicable other papers are… I want that for Solar Physics! I’m sure many papers will be difficult to re-do. This was followed by [Holo Views][holoviews] a tool to visualise the data, not plotting it - it create plots for quick data inspection without having to look in detail how to make them. On that day we also had talks about how to use jupyter notebooks to track parallel jobs, quantum simulation graph builders (with [kwant]), reverse engineering animal vision where flies were track (or driven) by controling what they were seeing with monitors around them, how python has helped to [create environments for drug discovery][drugstalk], to [space mission design][plyadestalk], to [model living tissues][fliestalk] or even to make people rich with [probablistic programming and sports analytic][probprogramming] (this last comment was denied by the speaker - but who to believe now a days?).

The final hour of the conference was completed by a long list of ligthning talks - for which I was selected volunteer to manage the slides of each one - where in just two minutes each we were introduced to lots of stuff - some examples: [astropy], [women hacks for nonprofits][whnp], [pycharm] educational edition, how to build a very nice sphinx gallery (like in the [scikit-learn gallery][sklearn_gallery]), or how [we can help to cite our software][citation] by adding a CITATION.txt file in our repositories.

And this was all… (and the posters! [nice winner][posterwinner]) that I can remember that happened in this amazing conference. Next two editions will happen in [Erlangen, Germany][osm_erlangen]… hopefully I can repit there too!

[software-carpentry]: [swc-training]: [how-learning]: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=gu5qpi5aFDkC [building-better]: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=cPLEoQEACAAJ [multichoice]: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/wDt3F4I5hv [swc-reading]: http://swcarpentry.github.io/training-course/materials/ [tdd]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test-driven_development [hintjens]: http://hintjens.com/ [Whintjens]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pieter_Hintjens [0MQ]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%98MQ [0MQOreilly]: https://library.oreilly.com/book/0636920026136/zeromq/toc [0MQguide]: http://zguide.zeromq.org/ [Wstalin]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Stalin [wikipedia]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:About [ianozsval]: http://ianozsvald.com/ [elevate]: http://elevatedirect.com/ [textract]:https://textract.readthedocs.org [tika]: https://tika.apache.org/ [cermine]: http://cermine.ceon.pl/index.html [turkishI]: http://haacked.com/archive/2012/07/05/turkish-i-problem-and-why-you-should-care.aspx/ [diedot]: http://gizmodo.com/382026/a-cellphones-missing-dot-kills-two-people-puts-three-more-in-jail [glueviz]: http://www.glueviz.org/ [seaborn]: http://stanford.edu/~mwaskom/software/seaborn/ [Alchemy]: http://www.alchemyapi.com/ [DBPedia]: http://wiki.dbpedia.org/ [ian_slides]: https://speakerdeck.com/ianozsvald/data-cleaning-on-text-to-prepare-for-analysis-and-machine-learning-at-euroscipy-2015 [JuanTalk]: https://github.com/jni/streaming-talk [pytoolz]: https://github.com/pytoolz [read_pytoolz]: http://matthewrocklin.com/blog/work/2013/10/17/Introducing-PyToolz/ [read_wordcount]: http://matthewrocklin.com/blog/work/2013/11/15/Functional-Wordcount/ [MikaelTalk]: http://slides.com/mikaelmortensen/massively-parallel [klepto]: https://github.com/uqfoundation/klepto [pyMIC]: [pyFR]: [JyNI]: [Jython]: [dask]: http://dask.pydata.org/en/latest/ [gr]: http://pgi-jcns.fz-juelich.de/pub/doc/EuroSciPy_2015/00-talk/assets/player/KeynoteDHTMLPlayer.html [matplotlib]: http://matplotlib.org/ [flexx]: http://flexx.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ [Spimagine]: https://github.com/maweigert/spimagine [Olivia]: https://github.com/oew1v07 [skimage-1650]: https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image/issues/1650 [skimage-1673]: https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image/pull/1673 [skimage-1659]: https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image/pull/1659 [datajoy-1659]: https://www.getdatajoy.com/project/55e192d061caf1ed47d39dd3 [datajoy]: https://www.getdatajoy.com/ [jupyter-washington]: http://faculty.washington.edu/rjl/notebooks/ [nbgader]: http://nbgrader.readthedocs.org [sagemath]: http://cloud.sagemath.com [rwilson]: http://www.rtwilson.com/ [recipy]: https://github.com/recipy/recipy [CWblog]: /blog/2015/04/02/Amazing-workshop.html [pyastroblog]:/blog/2015/04/26/PythonAstronomy.html [ReScience]: http://rescience.github.io/ [holoviews]: http://holoviews.org/ [kwant]: http://kwant-project.org/ [drugstalk]: http://mnowotka.github.io/presentations/euroscipy/ [plyadestalk]: http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/helgee/euroscipy-2015/blob/master/Plyades%20Demo.ipynb [fliestalk]: http://damcb.com/gathering_thoughts.html [probprogramming]: http://slides.com/springcoil/probprogramming [astropy]: http://astropy.org [whnp]: http://www.womenhackfornonprofits.com/ [pycharm]: https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm-educational/ [sklearn_gallery]: http://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/index.html [citation]: http://blog.rtwilson.com/encouraging-citation-of-software-introducing-citation-files/ [posterwinner]: https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=erlangen [osm_erlangen]: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=11/49.5985/11.1233